Talexis Qerel


Talexis Qerel-Qestir
Age: 25
Race: Au'Ra (Xaela)
Birthplace: Azim Steppe, Othard
Pronouns: HE/HIM
Sexuality/Relationships: Pansexual/ Vers-Sub
Favorite Food: anything cooked on an open fire
Favorite Drink: Coffee
Dislikes: cramped spaces, delicate objects, buffalo

Talexis was born into the Qerel tribe on the Azem Steppe; a people renowned for their strength and ferosity in battle. The curse known as the will of Karash was seen strong within him at a young age; and with the threat of exile, his mother sent to him live under the guidance of the Qestir; learning a quiet life away from the rage and revels of battle.
As he reached adulthood, he wished to travel, seeking a way to put an end to the curse inside him once and for all and return to his family.


After growing up amongst the silence of the Qestir; it is little wonder that he is soft-spoken. Always ever careful of his size and strength, though he may be the largest in the room, he is also usually the quietest.
Dispite his muted demeanor, Tal greatly enjoys the company of others. His friendly and personable demeanor outshine his large and imposing stature. He is one that is eager to please, and slow to offend.